Home Alternative Therapy

Alternative Therapy

Diet Recommendation For Covid Patients & Those Recovering.. By Shubi Husain

Diet Recommendation For Covid Patients, By Shubi Husain. Also Know What to eat, what not to eat by those who have already recovered from Covid

Reiki – Simplest & Most Popular Alternative Therapy To Get Control Of Your Life

Reiki, the simplest and most popular alternative therapy – doesn’t require much sweat and pain to practice. It helps you focus on problems and above all it believes in the power of positive thinking.

Tai chi Chuan – Some Lesser Known Facts About This Life Enhancing Meditation

Tai chi Chuan Or T'ai-chi ch'üan is meditation with a difference. Here are few lesser known facts about this Life Enhancing Chinese Meditation

Ozone And Oxygen Therapy – Benefits That You Never Knew Before

Proponents of oxygen therapy (also called hyperoxygenation, super-oxygenation, or oxidative therapy) contend that increased oxidation in the body can neutralise toxic substances and kill invading microorganisms. They thus advocate oxygen therapy for everything from infections to chronic fatigue.

Urine Therapy – Increases Your Life Energy And Longevity, Believe Many

Urine Therapy - Helps Increase Your Life Energy and Longevity, Believe Many Protagonists and Advocates of the Unique Treatment

Macrobiotics – From Food to Health, Happiness to Freedom

Macrobiotics is a way of life based upon living in harmony with Nature through a balanced whole-foods diet, an active lifestyle, and respect for the natural environment.

Ever Tried Hydrotherapy – Also Called Hydropathy Or Water Cure, Is An Arm Of Alternative Medicine

Hydrotherapy or Hydropathy, also called water cure, is a part of alternative medicine (particularly naturopathy), occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment.

Massage Therapy – The Original And Natural Mood Enhancer

There is nothing more natural than the use of touch to relieve pain or distress, whether it is a hug, a consoling hand on the shoulder or a mother rubbing her child's injured knee. Lets know more about Massage Therapy - The Natural Mood Enhancer

Pranayama (Yoga) – The Gateway To Deeper Relaxation And Meditation

Pranayama, according to yogic scriptures, is the gateway to deeper relaxation & meditation. Here is all you wanted to know about Pranayama

Is Magneto Therapy Effective? How Does It Work?

Magneto Therapy is all about using magnets to treat various kind of ailments. Magneto Therapy itself does not cure ... but it can provide the magnetic conditions in which the body’s healing forces operate at their optimum level. Magnetism stimulates the body to heal itself.
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