Congenital Heart Disease – Diet And Nutritional Management Holds The Key

The effects of Congenital Heart Disease continues throughout a patient's lifetime. Diet and nutritional management, careful monitoring and appropriate treatment are important to keep the heart strong and healthy.

Suffering From Stable Angina! Get A Diet Plan Customized For Yourself

The best way to prevent stable angina is to lower your risk for coronary heart disease. Some possible lifestyle changes to achieve this are listed here for convenience

Ischemic Heart Disease – Aiding Treatment With Lifestyle And Diet Modifications

Ischemic Heart Disease - Aiding Treatment With Lifestyle & Diet Modification of Patients. Here are a few recommended lifestyle & diet changes

Unstable Angina – Go For Some Lifestyle And Diet Changes

Unstable Angina - Some studies have shown that making a few lifestyle and diet changes can prevent blockages from getting worse and may actually improve them.
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