Celiac Disease – Gluten Free Diet Management Of Celiac Sprue

Omitting gluten from the diet is the key to controlling celiac disease. In patients with celiac disease, strict dietary gluten elimination will heal the small intestine over time (weeks to months).

Aroma Therapy

Did you ever know that unlike the nerves of other senses, olfactory nerves, the nerves transmitting aroma to the brain, are directly connected to the hypothalamus. Hypothalamus has control over the endocrine system, which regulates hormones affecting growth and unconscious activities that maintain life such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, body temperature and hunger.  The...

Diverticulitis Disease – Dietary Modifications For Diverticulitis

An individual suffering from diverticulitis disease may have abdominal pain, fever. Here are few Dietary Modifications to ease Diverticulitis

Co’s Expand Operations To Make Cow Milk Readily Available To End Consumers In India

As cow milk in India is becoming easily available across stores, consumption too is increasing in direct proportions.

Ozone And Oxygen Therapy – Benefits That You Never Knew Before

Proponents of oxygen therapy (also called hyperoxygenation, super-oxygenation, or oxidative therapy) contend that increased oxidation in the body can neutralise toxic substances and kill invading microorganisms. They thus advocate oxygen therapy for everything from infections to chronic fatigue.

Nutritional Management Of Pancreatitis – The Pancreatitis Diet

Pancreas is by far the most complex organ in the human body. Know about the Nutritional management of pancreatitis through Pancreatitis Diet

Top 5 Snacks to Fuel Your Workout

Here is a list of 5 power-packed, light and healthy snacks, in descending order, that you can eat to fuel your Workout.

Ever Tried Hydrotherapy – Also Called Hydropathy Or Water Cure, Is An Arm Of Alternative Medicine

Hydrotherapy or Hydropathy, also called water cure, is a part of alternative medicine (particularly naturopathy), occupational therapy, and physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment.

Dietary Measures To Prevent And Control Osteoporosis | The Osteoporosis Diet

Suffering from Osteoporosis, the disease that reduces bone mass. Dietary Measures To Prevent And Control Osteoporosis | Osteoporosis Diet

Hypothyroidism – Suffering From Hypothyroidism! Get A Diet Plan Customized For Yourself

Do You happen to be suffering from Hypothyroidism. It's most common cause is inflammation of the thyroid gland, which damages the gland's cells. You can consider Gettin a Diet Plan Customized For Yourself.
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