Demand For Weight Loss Experts Soars As Indians Rush To Drop Pandemic Kilos

Post a severe second wave and a harsh lockdown, the demand for Weight Loss Experts Soars As Indians Rush To Drop Pandemic Kilos

Ozone And Oxygen Therapy – Benefits That You Never Knew Before

Proponents of oxygen therapy (also called hyperoxygenation, super-oxygenation, or oxidative therapy) contend that increased oxidation in the body can neutralise toxic substances and kill invading microorganisms. They thus advocate oxygen therapy for everything from infections to chronic fatigue.

Top 10 Essential Rules of Good Health

You just need to make some modifications to your lifestyle and see the difference. Here is the list of Top 10 Essential Rules of Good Health that you should follow to live a healthy and disease free life.

Music Therapy-A Piano Player In The Lobby Of A Hospital

The right kind of music can be used in many ways to uplift your spirits and to lift you out of depression. Check out How Music Therapy helps

On World Cancer Day, American Oncology Institute Appeals To Close The Care Gap

February 4th is commemorated as 'World Cancer Day'. This year's World Cancer Day theme is "CLOSE THE CARE GAP". About 10 million people succumb to cancer every year. It is the 2nd leading cause of death. 70% of cancer deaths occur in the developing countries. 33% of cancers are preventable. The main objective of celebrating...

Check Your Immunity Score & See Where You Stand – Boost Immunity With Diet Tips From Shubi Husain

Check Your Immunity Score. Grade yourself into Poor, Average Or Good. Know how to boost your immunity, with Diet Tips from Shubi Husain

Top 5 Snacks to Fuel Your Workout

Here is a list of 5 power-packed, light and healthy snacks, in descending order, that you can eat to fuel your Workout.

Excessive Exercise Could Do You Damage

Excessive Exercise could do you damage

Naturopathy Or Nature Cure – An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure

Naturopathy Or Nature Cure stresses on the restorative powers of Nature, the search for underlying causes of disease, and holistic healing.

8 Weight Loss Mistakes Runners Make

Sometimes the fragmentary information about a particular tip may mislead the runner due to which he cannot reach the goals because of hindrance caused by some incomplete guidelines. Now the question raises that, Is the timing of running affect weight loss? Or am I burning a normal amount of calories? Is cutting fats from diet acceptable? Can I cut the number of carbohydrates from the diet? To answer such question I have enlisted eight common weight loss mistakes runner makes during their routine.
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