Dr. Edward Bach, the father of Flower Medicines, was a bacteriologist and consulting homeopath of London. Not-satisfied with homeopathic practice, he turned to flower as medicines. He discovered 38 flowers as corresponding to 38 human states. These became famous as Dr Bach’s 38 Floral Elixirs to help people overcome the kind of mental unrest and emotional imbalances that undermine personal growth.

These medicines are prepared by putting flower in a pot of water exposed to noon sunlight for about three hours. Essence thus ready is mixed with alcohol for preservative purposes and dispensed in liquid or pill forms.
Flower medicines treat the “negative feelings” like anger, fear guilt, inferiority complex, lack of confidence, negative expectancy, envy, jealousy etc. by flooding the consciousness with positive feelings. In flower medicines “disturbed” feelings, moods, attitudes are taken as base for the selection of medicine. Bach found these “imbalances” in the personality as the “core element of disease”.
How To Choose Which Floral Elixir Is Meant For You
The first and foremost thing to do is to identify the specific emotion that you are experiencing. This is one thing that need to do on your own or with the assistance of some near and dear ones.
After you have successfully identified and isolated the emotion, refer to the list of Flowers given below and see which one best addresses your requirements and will eventually help you restore your harmony.
Flower Therapy is not harmful at all, even if incorrectly diagnosed or administered. They can be used by anyone, irrespective of health condition or age. Your personality, concerns, temperament and behaviour are all indicators that can be used to help guide your choice of specific flower or elixir. Over time, positive feelings will overcome any negative emotions or symptoms and harmony shall prevail.
As a thumb rule and in general these are the flowers that are used to correspondingly treat specific conditions mentioned against their names.
Agrimony – for those who hide worries behind a brave face
Aspen – for apprehension for no known reasons
Beech – for those who are critical and intolerant of others
Centaury – for those who are weak-willed, exploited or imposed upon
Cerato – for those who doubt their own judgement, seeking confirmation of others

Cherry Plum – for uncontrolled, irrational thoughts
Chestnut Bud – for those who refuse to learn by experience and continually repeat the same mistakes
Chicory – for those who are over possessive – (self-centered) – clinging and over-protective especially of loved ones
Clematis – for those who are inattentive, dreamy, absent-minded, for mental escapism
Crab Apple – the ‘Cleanser’ – for self-disgust/detestation – for those who are ashamed of ailments
Elm – for those who are overwhelmed by inadequacy and responsibility Gentian – for despondency
Gorse – for pessimism, defeatism, ‘oh what’s the use!’
Heather – for those who are talkative, (obsessed with own troubles and experiences)
Holly – for hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion

Honeysuckle – for those living in the past – nostalgic – for home-sickness. Helps gain feeling of detachment from the past.
Hornbeam – for ‘Monday morning’ feeling – procrastination
Impatiens – for impatience and irritability
Larch – for lack of self-confidence, feeling of inferiority, fear of failure
Mimulus – for fear of known things, shyness, timidity
Also Read: Colour Therapy – Find Which Colour Suits You
Mustard – for ‘dark cloud’ that descends, making one saddened and low for no known reason
Oak – for those who are normally strong/courageous, but no longer able to struggle bravely against illness or adversity
Olive – for those who are fatigued, drained of energy
Pine – for guilt complex – those who blame themselves even for mistakes of others and are always apologizing
Red Chestnut – for those obsessed by care and concern for others
Rock Rose – for those who are suddenly alarmed, scared, panicky
Rock Water – for those who are rigid-minded, self-denying
Scleranthus – for uncertainty/ indecision/ vacillation – for fluctuating moods
Also Read: Crystal and Gem Therapy – Check Out Which Gem is Ideal For You
Professional Problems:
Star of Bethlehem – for all the effects of serious news, of fright following an accident or when faced with unforeseen changes etc.
Gentian – to respond to any doubts and discouragement
Sweet Chestnut – for utter dejection, bleak outlook
- Troubled Sleeping:
- White Chestnut – for obsessive thoughts which you are unable to shake off.
- Agrimony – also for all concerns that keep us awake through the night
- A Separation:
- Willow – to forget grudges and feeling of injustice
- Walnut – to help one confront any doubts associated with a period of change
- Overworked:
- Vervain – for anyone who is driven by an intense enthusiasm which prevents them from relaxing.
- Centaury – also for those who are reluctant to impose limits on themselves and are unable to say no.
PN: Some are clubbed for ease of segregation and in associating the right cause that has multiple solutions.