Home Diets Eat To Beat Illness

Eat To Beat Illness

Burns – Diet Tips To Improve Healing Of Burns And General Health

Burn injuries are quite common but painful and takes time to heal. Listed here are Diet Tips To Improve Healing Of Burns And General Health

Kidney Disease – Chronic Renal Failure Diet & Nutrient Consideration

The purpose of Chronic Renal failure diet is to maintain a balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in patients who are on dialysis.

Congenital Heart Disease – Diet And Nutritional Management Holds The Key

The effects of Congenital Heart Disease continues throughout a patient's lifetime. Diet and nutritional management, careful monitoring and appropriate treatment are important to keep the heart strong and healthy.

Diarrhoea – Blood Is Thicker Than Water, And So Is Diarrhea

The affected individual may become weak and malnourished. His body's capacity to work as well as the resistance to disease is lowered considerably. In children, the physical and mental growth may also be affected. Diarrhoea if neglected, can lead to dehydration due to excessive loss of electrolytes from the body. This may prove fatal in...

Control Mumps, Get Well Faster – Diet Tips For People Suffering From Mumps

These diet tips help people with mumps get well faster. Also helps control swelling and fatigue and malaise that usually accompanies mumps

Managing Gout Through Diet | A Sample Diet Plan For Gout Patients

Guidelines for Management Of Gout Through Diet, Along with Sample Diet Plan for Gout Patients

Ischemic Heart Disease – Aiding Treatment With Lifestyle And Diet Modifications

Ischemic Heart Disease - Aiding Treatment With Lifestyle & Diet Modification of Patients. Here are a few recommended lifestyle & diet changes

Constipation – A Symptom, Not Disease. Simple Guidelines To Treat Constipation Through Diets

A person who eats a poor diet, drinks too few fluids, or misuses laxatives can easily become constipated. Here are simple guidelines to treat Constipation through Diets

Lactose Intolerance – Symptoms And Treatment Through Dietary Management

Reason some people can't tolerate lactose is that their bodies are unable to break it down. Know how to control it through dietary management

Suffering From Stable Angina! Get A Diet Plan Customized For Yourself

The best way to prevent stable angina is to lower your risk for coronary heart disease. Some possible lifestyle changes to achieve this are listed here for convenience
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