Lactose Intolerance – Symptoms And Treatment Through Dietary Management

Reason some people can't tolerate lactose is that their bodies are unable to break it down. Know how to control it through dietary management

About Shubi Husain – The Nutritionist Who Conceptualized Online Diets In India

Shubi Husain is a renowned celebrity nutritionist, fitness, lifestyle and weight loss expert based out of Delhi and Los Angeles.

Dietary Measures To Prevent And Control Osteoporosis | The Osteoporosis Diet

Suffering from Osteoporosis, the disease that reduces bone mass. Dietary Measures To Prevent And Control Osteoporosis | Osteoporosis Diet

Treatment Of Food Allergies Through Diet Management And Control

A food allergy is an adverse immune response to a food protein. The mainstay otreatment for food allergy is avoidance of the foods that have been identified as allergens

New Genes Linked to Alzheimer’s

11 latest genes that are considered as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease have been discovered by scientists. These researches and discoveries aim to prevent and delay the early onset of the disease.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome – Reducing Menstrual Pain Through Diet

PMS - The physical and mood symptoms that worsen in the one to two weeks prior to a woman's menses can be controlled through diet.

Top 10 Summer Sports To Choose From To Burn Your Calories Fast

List of Top 10 Summer Sports to burn your calories fast comprises of some most common and easy games, the intensity of these we somehow overlooked all these years. You can select few depending on your choice, stamina and surroundings.

Top 10 Must Know Tips For Effective Parenting

Effective parenting help kids grow into healthy, law-abiding citizens, to have successful careers & family lives. Here is List Of Top 10 Tips

Co’s Expand Operations To Make Cow Milk Readily Available To End Consumers In India

As cow milk in India is becoming easily available across stores, consumption too is increasing in direct proportions.

Chickenpox Diet – Dietary Measures To Recover From Chickenpox Faster

A Chickenpox diet is something that is often overlooked, but is a crucial element to cure Chickenpox fast.
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