New Genes Linked to Alzheimer’s

11 latest genes that are considered as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease have been discovered by scientists. These researches and discoveries aim to prevent and delay the early onset of the disease.

Hypertension – Suffering From High Blood Pressure! Know What To Eat & What To Avoid

Essentially hypertension or high blood pressure is the most common disease of the industrialized societies. Know what to eat and what to avoid in case of high BP

Macrobiotics – From Food to Health, Happiness to Freedom

Macrobiotics is a way of life based upon living in harmony with Nature through a balanced whole-foods diet, an active lifestyle, and respect for the natural environment.

Top 10 Summer Sports To Choose From To Burn Your Calories Fast

List of Top 10 Summer Sports to burn your calories fast comprises of some most common and easy games, the intensity of these we somehow overlooked all these years. You can select few depending on your choice, stamina and surroundings.

Have Doubts Whether Your Partner Is Turning Schizophrenic?

Schizophrenia is a serious and complex disorder of the brain that affects your ability to think, feel, and perceive things in a normal way. Not easily identifiable and with lack of knowledge we often keep wondering whether the behavior of our partner, friend or relative crosses the realms of normal behavior and could be...

Are Overweight People Prone To Corona?

An obese person is at high risk to develop infection and viruses and should be more cautious. A healthy diet and lifestyle with regular exercise plus losing some weight can helps you move towards a healthy life with boosted immunity.

Dengue Fever – Dietary Tips For Patients Suffering From Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever - The food for a dengue patient should be such that it can be easily digested. Here are few dietary tips For dengue Patients

Want To Get Your Tattoo Removed? Know All About Tattoo Removal

The Clinic is famous for it's Laser Tattoo Removal that it offers to people across National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi

Treatment Of Food Allergies Through Diet Management And Control

A food allergy is an adverse immune response to a food protein. The mainstay otreatment for food allergy is avoidance of the foods that have been identified as allergens

Hypnotherapy & Hypnotism – A Skill Everyone Secretly Desires To Possess & Practice

Hypnotherapy is one of the more controversial methods of alternative therapy or alternative treatments, probably because of some misconceptions ("In a trance, you might make me do what I don't want to do") and because of its use on stage as a form of popular entertainment. The word hypnotism is derived from the Greek hypnos, meaning...
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